Thursday, January 31, 2008

Affiliate Marketing. I Think I've Found The Right One!

Well, in my search for the right kind of program and help to follow, I think I have finally come across a really good source of information and aide in achieving success with Internet Marketing and Affiliate Marketing!

I found an organization right here in Vancouver that has some real no-nonsense stuff. The Internet Marketing Center seems to be a very straight-forward and business-like organization that provides a lot of information for someone hoping to achieve success with Marketing through the Internet.

I have found that a lot of the things I have been thinking and saying about this particular type of business are exactly the same things that they are saying! There is no "magic pill or button" that will suddenly change you from where you are today to a multi-millonaire over-night. You have to educate yourself and work at it. It is a business like any other. The only difference is that the future potential for large increases in revenue is huge if you continue to work at it. The Internet is like no other previous type of market in the past. Your business can reach world-wide proportions in the blink of an eye when you source out good advice and follow it from people who have the expertise and experience to help you.

I'm hoping my search is over for that source of good advice and information and that I can get on with it now!

I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Affiliate Marketing. Continuing Marketing Education

Affiliate Marketing. Continuing Marketing Education

Well, I'm studying and studying and hoping that I will get the hang of this internet affiliate marketing thing. It takes some time and concentration but it is certainly doable!

I'm really liking this blogging thing. It it a great platform for voicing opinions and, also, for getting messages out that would otherwise involve much more expense and knowledge regarding the development of a web-site.

As I mentioned in my previous Affiliate Marketing post, I would let you know what "The Front of the Train" was all about.

Rather than going in the explanation here and repeating myself, check out the blog I created as a remembrance to my Dad.

You'll learn all about it there. It's at Hope you enjoy it!

Affiliate Marketing From The Front Of The Train Recommends:

Affiliate Marketing Guide

Marketing Affiliate Home Based

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Affiliate Marketing Program. I'm Going To Ride At The Front Of The Train!

Affiliate Marketing Program. I'm Going To Ride At The Front Of The Train!

Well, I had told myself I was going to get this started on the 1st day of the New Year, but the days just seemed to have flown by and already it is the 3rd day of the New Year! Better late than never!

I don't know if you're anything like my husband and I (sounds very Royal, doesn't it) but we are sick and tired of the way our lives have been going with the current business we are in.

I have been searching and searching for some type of business we could get into that could be from our home and would provide us with a good enough income to ease the financial burden we always seem to be under.

It doesn't matter how hard you keep working and striving to get ahead, something always seems to come along to land you on your butt again!

Of course, the first thing that came to mind was some type of Internet business, but what?

I have Google and Googled until there were times I thought my head would fall off but I came across some, what I think, are very good possibilities to head us in the right direction.

Affiliate Marketing Program. I'm Going To Ride At The Front Of The Train!

Now, I know what you are probably going to say to yourselves (and would say to me if we were face to face) but after having read and researched and researched and read I really believe that what I have found is a good basis for getting off to a start in this new endeavour.

The thing you have to keep in mind is that, like any other type of business to start or get into, you have to be prepared to educate yourself and work at it, at least in the beginning stages. That is one thing that you can't fool yourself about.

Affiliate Marketing. It IS possible to make money (and good money at that!) on the Internet?

You need the right tools and information to get there.Once you have found those tools and information, the possibilities can be endless!

Well, I'm pretty sure I have been able to find those things and now I'm on my way! Wish me luck!

P.S. Remind me to tell you about "The Front of the Train"